Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Journal Entry

I am currently reading The Serpent Shadow the third book of the Kane Chronicles, written by Rick Riordan. In this book the Sperpent Apophis is on the lose, and trying to destroy the world as we know it. Due to this problem Carter and Sadie are trying to create a plan to destroy the snake. However it has not been so successful so they might go to plan B that might risk their lives. I´m loving the book and I can´t wait to continue reading.

I don´t really have planned what to read next. But I really want to get the book The Mark of Atena of Rick Riordan from another series. I plan on finishing this on a week if I continue the good work. This book is a great one and certainly recommend to others.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Scattegory/Journal Entry

Today it has been a different class from others. First we checked our blog on how much progress we had and I think mine is just fine. After that I went to the nurse and I have no idea what the others did. Then I came back and I just saw my team name on the whiteboard called Lino Commands and we were gonna play a game. The game did not work out so well so Mr. Jeremy stop it. Now im writing this entry and class just finished.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Better Sentences

I like to hear music, usually I would plug my headphones and start to hear it. I like hearing music from many artist I don´t really have a preferred one. But some of the ones I enjoy the most are: Coldplay, Owl City, and Maroon 5. Some music I hear is Fireflies, Moves like Jagger Rolling in the Deep and many more. I think music is a great way that people can express how they feel and because of this we can understand how someone feels. I love music and I really hope that I keep hearing to it.

This post is still on progress